1 min read

U.S. Military recovers balloon debris

The U.S. has recovered debris from the large balloon, that was shot down near the cost of south Carolina. U.S. authority has concluded that it was a Chinese spy balloon.

Authority has said they believe that  the U.S. Navy, FBI and Coast Guard has recovered all of the pieces from the large balloon  from the ocean. They are saying the payload is a device that could have potentially delivered the information it has collected.

Officials have said the pieces that were recovered are sent to the  FBI lab in Virginia for analysis.

It is being said that the U.S. military believes the large balloon was a surveillance airship operated by China, the Biden administration has said the three other smaller balloons were civilian-owned balloons.

Recovering debris from the smaller sized balloons are difficult because of the size of the balloon, and the location it was shot down. The search for them has not been formally called off.

The main questions are still unclear, what information was collected by the balloon, how much, if any information has been transmitted back to the other end.