
Being accountable is a driving force that makes you aware of your decisions. Committing to do something and then holding ourselves accountable for that is one of the most useful ways for our motivation and productivity, to complete that task.
Accountability is a core component to almost anything in life. A simple everyday routine for most people would be to go for work; occasionally people would like to sleep in for the day, get to work later, take the day off; but they still show up for work. Why is that ? Because they know they have to show up for work, they are required to show up and perform their responsibility and duties.
Most people show up for work even if they do not want to, because they need that day's pay. To buy groceries, to pay for rent, to pay for bills. So individual's choose to attend work despite their interest or reason because they cannot afford to skip the day and be accountable for not working that day.
Famous Youtubers who have gained massive subscriber counts like Mr Beast and Marques Brownlee posted videos regularly, their consistency in posting videos, and they have their viewers as accountability for them; encourages them to make more videos & better content for their audience.
Accountability forces us to take action.
Your accountability can be small scaled. You could be blogging, tweeting updates, but as long as its there you can find the reason to complete a task.
Consistency and accountability goes hand in hand because both forces us to do the things we want, and if we are consistent in anything; and are held accountable for it. That will help us to keep going, to persevere and complete what ever you want.