2 min read

Tesla Bot

Tesla Bot

In this blog post for this week, we will be going over the Tesla bot.  As many of you know Tesla has made these robots human shaped, human sized. When we heard about the Tesla bots, I am sure everyone was excited and started thinking what it can do, how will it look, what are its capabilities. Since this is coming from Tesla.    

Elon Musk has mentioned during a presentation that Tesla is one of the biggest robotics companies, because their cars are essentially robots on wheels. I can agree with that because the self driving cars does use;  AI, robotics, computer vision, sensors & systems to make the car run as it does. The car scans for pedestrians, vehicles, the traffic speed, and obstacles to make decisions appropriately. From those decisions & errors,  changes are made and upgraded. That is just how improvements of self driving cars are taking place.  

Elon musk also says it just makes sense to make these robots in humanoid form. Its called the Tesla bot, they are  5'8” tall, weigh 125 lbs, and it looks like it has white suit with the shoulders and head in black color. It has hands with full 10 fingers and feet with no toes. It has the tesla logo on the chest of the robot. It does not move at quick speeds,  it has a maximum speed of 5 mph so you can out run it. It can lift things up to 10 lbs and it can deadlift  150 lbs. It has many camera's and of course the AI in it, for it to do its tasks.

They are saying its easy to run away from it and overpower it, in other words, that  should not be  a concern. Elon Musk has said the tesla bots main purpose is, to do repetitive tasks, boring tasks and dangerous tasks; so humans don't need to do that.  At the AI day presentation they kept emphasizing it can do your grocery, to illustrate that it can do something boring or dull task.

 The Boston dynamics robot named Atlas is quite amazing to see, it moves across many obstacles in its path it; like it recognizes it environment. You can check it out on the link here from the Boston Dynamic Youtube channel . The Atlas robot is not going to be on sale for people to buy, any time soon. It is said they are just computing, testing and upgrading the robots currently.

I personally find this new Tesla robots cool, if it can really do what they are saying like doing the boring tasks, repetitive tasks, and dangerous tasks instead of humans. It might actually help people.  Like elders, and people who just want a break from those tasks.

We would just have to wait and see how long will it take for it to be fully completed, before it can do those tasks correctly.  Because it has to learn to navigate the environment, identify objects, and make the right decisions; it has  to be programed I would say, for a lack of better word.

Questions to consider for this post  :

Would you buy this Tesla bot ?

Do you think this would be useful to have or just more work to handle.