1 min read

King Charles III - New Authorities ...

King Charles III - New Authorities ...

  1. The UK national anthem will change . All of the lyrics will remain the same, however "queen" will be altered to "king" and "she" and "her" will be replaced with "he" and "him."
  2. The currency -  Image of King Charles will be changed in place of Queen Elizabeth
  3. postal stamps  -  The image on the stamps will also be changed to King Charles
  4. The swans will be owned by the king
  5. He also has control over the whales, and dolphins in the waters around England and Wales
  6. King Charles will not need a drivers license to drive
  7. The King will not vote for election. To remain strictly neutral in regards to political matters.
  8. King Charles does not need a passport to travel anymore
  9. The king does not need to maintain any speed limits
  10. Will now have significant power over 15 countries. The commonly known places are the UK, Canada, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand.