China's protest against zero covid approach.

For the first time in many years thousands of people are protesting against the Chinese government and its authorities. They are fed up with the zero covid policy and strict conditions that are placed on everyone, even if only like 3 covid case is reported; a lockdown is placed for that whole area. Everyone has to get tested.
It is being reporeted that mainly younger generations are actively taking part in in the protests are many location in China. This includes the streets and university's of major cities around China.
It is being said that the death of 10 people in a fire in Xinjiang caused this protest to speard rapidly . This and the covid measures, policies like zero covid approach has pushed the people to their limits, which caused this protest. The people want their freedom, free speech, human rights and democracy.
When asked if China will make any changes or modifications to the zero covid policy, after seeing their citizens protesting. A Foreign Ministry spokesman has said their government and officers have been making changes accordingly to how the covid situation arises. And that the media is not providing the information accurately, their government is facing Covid to their best abilities .
People are holding white sheets of paper, that is to represent those who wanted to provide the truth to the public. Be it articles, media representatives who's voice has not been heard.