1 min read

A ChatGPT detector ?

A 22 year old from Toronto was studying artificial intelligence and GPT-3,  which creates texts like ChatGPT.

You may know already that ChatGPT takes in vast amount of information through machine learning,  and gives out responses  similar to what humans can come up with.

This AI can cause difficulty for teachers and educators because students can now type a question, and ChatGPT can provide a answer, essay; it can provide an answer to many questions raised. So educators may face problems of not identifying if a student wrote the paper, or did the AI.  

GPTZero is the app that was created by the creator, according to him it can detect if something is written by a human or machine.

A user can paste a text into the GPTZero app, it will run some evaluations around the  writing of the text,  creativity of the paper,  and the difficulty of the text and provide a score. That score will show the result of whether the answer was written by a human or AI.