4-day work week? Pilot Project by BC Greens
How would you like a four day work week ?
This idea has been around for a while now, companies and people have tried out this concept. While companies who have tried this, seem like they understand the benefits of having a four day work week. There are companies who may disapprove of this idea, without knowing the real benefits it can bring.
BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau is saying that a four day work week can lead to a better work life balance.
Furstenau has given this idea of providing a businesses tax credits for companies if they change to a 32 hour work week, for their employees, without reducing their pay. This is known as the pilot project.
A recent study from the University of Cambridge and Boston College have said that a four day work week has significantly reduced stress and employees from getting sick.
Sixty-one companies participated in a six-month study, consisting around 2,900 employees. Employees reported lower stress made up of thirty-nine per cent and 71 per cent of lower burnout rates.
56 of the 61 companies who have participated in the study have said they will continue with the four hour work week, and 18 have said they will permanently make the change.